Sunday, September 24, 2006

And Sometimes Creativity Calls In Sick

What follows are some really great phrases that caught my attention while reading “Success at Life - How to Catch and Live Your Dream" A Zentrepreneur's Guide by Ron Rubin and Stuart Avery Gold (ministers of The Republic of Tea)

  • We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
  • Practice the ancient, all-important art of “wishcraft.”
  • The ABC’s of Personal Responsibility:
    • A = Action
    • B = Belief
    • C = Clarity
  • Move away from living in the polluted doubt and uncertainty of “Atmosfear.” (Fear of failure, fear of rejection of what family, fear of what friends and colleagues might think, fear of being different, and paradoxically, the fear of success.)
  • If you want to make wonders, you have to have a willingness to take risks.
  • Putting your goals in writing makes them real.
  • University of Adversity GRAD program:
    • G = Get over it (success stops only when you do)
    • R = Redefine failure (by using mistakes to learn what not to do)
    • A = Analyze failure (revise, regroup, replan)
    • D = Depersonalize your failure (get off your own back about it!)
  • By applying mind, body and spirit to any endeavor or creation, by expressing their innermost nature to the outside world, the Zentrepreneur becomes a living art form.
  • The different between SUCCESS and FAILURE is the difference between a STRONG WILL and a STRONG WON’T!

I posted this today for a reason. We had big plans for today, Pat and I did, I was going to write and she was going to import some photos from one computer to another to play with in photoshop. The problems began almost immediately when her laptop refused to open any of the disks she fed it, and I could not get iTunes to read the songlists on the music I was trying to upload from our collection. After about an hour of frustrating computer glitchery on two different PC’s (even a die hard like Pat now admits we wouldn’t have these problems with Macs) I was no longer in any mood for anything remotely arty farty. Well maybe farty, but that was mostly inspired by the amount of black beans we ate last night.

Sometimes it just isn't meant to happen.

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