Friday, September 22, 2006

Creativity Strikes When You Least Expect It

I have been extremely busy for the last few months and have not posted ANYTHING on this site. My hours at work are almost 24/7! I am owned by THE MAN and I can't seem to find a way out of this paper bag. So I have turned my mind and efforts in a different direction. I wanted to numb the "Stepford employee" persona that I have become and started to explore a different side of me. Hence I am making an effort to be creative. No, not more creative as I don't consider myself to be that in the first place.

This last Sunday, my partner and I hosted a small intimate arts day where we got together with 2 other friends. We had a fabulous brunch and then moved onto the real purpose of the day....artistic expression. Our wonderfully talented friend, Ann started the energy flow by slowly but purposefully bringing out all her crafting paraphernalia. I watched mesmerized as all the items and tools she had collected, and was apparently using in her own creative process, started to appear and be placed on our now-protected dining room table. I wondered what the heck I was going to do besides sit there and observe or perhaps document the event by photographing everyone else’s efforts.

I brought out my laptop and camera and resigned myself to that endeavor. Then Michele began to unload her own painting and crafting essentials. I was even more disappointed in my own lack of preparedness. What about Jeanne; what was she going to attempt; perhaps jewelry? That’s what I naturally assumed. I guess I was still in the Capricorn side of my brain.

Ann caught me watching her and must have realized that I was feeling lost so she invited me to sit and inquired if I wanted to work on the same type of project as she. This was my introduction to ATC, Artist Trading Cards. This new (to me) art form can be a very detailed effort at constructing an outrageous or beautiful or thought-provoking or you- name-it style of trading card. Ann explained the concept, handed me materials and basically led me to the edge of the precipice. I would either turn around and go home or take the plunge. I am very happy to say that I took the plunge and immediately dove into my own project.

At first I fumbled around not sure how to proceed. That is my typical MO. I become a sponge ready to absorb all that is new to me when starting a new venture. When I become comfortable with my surroundings or feel competent in my new endeavor then I become aggressive in my undertaking. So began my first ATC. I wasn’t sure of the theme that I wanted to convey. I took time to look over several photos from our European trip last spring. My favorite shots were mostly taken in Barcelona so that is where my wanderings went. Finally I decided on a picture of a bicycle parking lot. I had been fascinated by this concept because it became a common sight to see so many bikes being ridden as a form of transportation in Barcelona.

I used the photo and cut it to size so that it would become the background of that card. Then, still without any direction in mind, I started gathering different items and placed each one in what I believed was an appropriate position. Each piece came easily and found a natural place in the composition. It wasn’t until I was looking for the final piece that I realized that I had inadvertently chosen an anti-pollution/environmental theme.

Upon completion, I passed my piece around the table, and of course being with good friends, everyone profusely complimented my “artistic” endeavor. I felt like an ARTIST! I was elated and encouraged so I took a few minutes to gaze admiringly at my creation and then moved onto my second attempt. As it turned out, that piece was even more popular with the crowd. I was on an artistic roll, so to speak.

My last piece of the day deviated from the rules of ATC. The cards are supposed to 2 ½” x 3 ½” in size. I wanted my new found talent reflected on a larger dimension so I chose a larger piece. I must admit that this final card took more time than I had intended and perhaps I had come close to draining my creative juices for the afternoon. I was impressed with the fact that I never once chose a theme; it just seemed to flow together and was nicely wrapped up with the last few steps.

I am still thrilled by the whole episode and intend to continue my foray into the creative world that I never knew existed in my universe. I must admit that I owe it all to Ann’s encouraging words, “You just have to believe you can do it and you will”. PM

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