Thursday, September 21, 2006

Artist Trading Cards

Until about 10 days ago, I had never even heard of artist trading cards, but as always, Miss Ann Bo-Bann is on the cutting edge of what's new and happening. After falling in love with her very first offering we made sure that we were the highest bidder when the card came up for auction on Ebay. It is now the official logo for our other blog, Airy Fairy.

Imagine our delight when Ann offered to hold a workshop at our house so we too could become Artist Trading Card creators. We learned that there is an official size, two and half by three and a half inches, and the finished product can fit into plastic protective sleeves normally purchased for baseball cards. Other than that, no rules.

So we set about creating these tiny miniature collages last Sunday afternoon. Although Ann also worked on yet another offering to put up for bid that day, she patiently took the time to help us and advise us on our premiere efforts! We had so much fun and plan to make ATC days a regular event.

My first card is rather personal in nature as it features a picture of Pat, so it is not for sale. I don't know if I will ever be able to part with any of my creations, although maybe I'll eventually be able to do what the name implies... trade them!

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