Friday, September 15, 2006

Art Organic

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. -Ghandi

This is the first post ever on the Sapphic Graphics website. As one of the site owners, I would like to welcome all who enjoy art in its many forms to our little page. We hope to grow this into a co-op of ideas and expression, a place to celebrate creativity, the development of our own or simply the enjoyment of the talents of others.

Since the page is still in a seedling stage, we are curious to see what it might grow up to be. We envision a sort of organic development that grows in all kinds of crazy directions, blooms of colors we'd never imagined. I chose the picture for this post based on that premise. It is of our garden, an ever evolving living canvas. A tree downed in one of our crazy summer monsoons has pushed the design in that particular area in a whole new direction, one I never foresaw when the tree was still standing. The fact that I also took this picture makes it a creative two-fer.

Any suggestions are certainly welcome, since ideas are the oils that fuel the fire of originality, and we're definitely all about fanning the flames. Check back often as we hope to have a flurry of activity within the next few days, and thank you for visiting!

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