Friday, September 14, 2007

Cross Post

"Chelsea Brown's Barcelona Fantasy"

Over at my 360 blog, the one I do for fun and connectedness to friends, real and cyber, there is a weekly event called Picture Perfect Friday. It was the brainchild of a woman named Heather who currently resides in Tucson. Each week she thinks of a new theme and the participants(hundreds at this point) post a photo that the theme represents to us personally. Then we all go around and visit as many of these Picture Perfect posts as we become aware of or have time for.

This week's theme was "black and white." Initially I thought I would go into the European black and white photo stash we have after mounting exhibits at both Kathie Gummere's law office and Circa 1900 this year and pull out something cool and kicky. But then I had a hankering to create a new collage and the first group of pictures I dove into were of Chelsea Brown, the very definition of black and white! It grew from there and evolved into the collage displayed above.

I think I am becoming obsessed with collage!

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