Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Focusing on Focused Art

Stepping off the hamster wheel for a while is one way to reflect on where we are, where we're headed and most importantly where we would rather be going. Pat and I did alot of walking and talking while on Kaua'i and even though we know we are going to have to stay in 9-5ville for a while, we realized that lately we haven't put much energy into what is, for both of us, our passion.

We had a real honest to goodness business meeting with notes and everything when we arrived home; we set goals, deadlines and the next meeting date. Focused Art Photography is headed in some new directions and the website is currently being revamped by Pat. I will announce when it is ready for viewage.

Meanwhile, we are both busy cataloging and creating new product lines based on the Hawaii shots, and some of the most exciting things to evolve are the collages. I also intend to post more actively at this website. Ireally do want to build a community of artist play and exchange of ideas here.

We are also getting serious about developing the Hippiegranny line of GroovyFoods. I will be studying to get my food prep license in a few weeks and applying to be a vendor at the Downtown Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings.

The idea is to be able to develop innovative ways we can work from anywhere. But first, the hamster wheel calls - I must go color now.

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